Gauge Chart D3.js &Angular
Welcome to the D3.js Angular graph gallery: a collection of simple charts made with d3.js & angular created by LAAKISSI Achraf. D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. This gallery of a few graphics, always providing reproducible and editable source code. If you are new to creating graphics with Angular & D3.js, this is probably the place to start.

This post describes how to build a gauge chart using angular & d3.js. we’ve built a component you just need to add to your project, passing the input data, specifying other options and you get your chart easily. you can find the code on our website or in stackblitz
A gauge chart (or speedometer chart) combines a Doughnut chart and a Pie chart in a single chart.
Input dataset provides the value, minValue and maxValue
Component inputs :
- gaugeValue: It is an object contained the value, minValue, maxValue, and some optional values: pointerWidth (it is the width of the middle pointer), ringWidth (its the width of the ring), and transitionsMs (this is the value of the pointer transition when it passes in the value)
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